Future of Water

By 2025, the population is expected to reach 8 billion people.  With an increase in population, water consumption is expected to increase also.  Here is a following graph I created showing the total water consumption increase by different countries:
Custom graph showing increased water consumption by the year 2025
How will we meet the increase need for water?

More Desalination Plants
Desalination is the removal of salt and impurities from groundwater or seawater to produce fresh drinking water.  Currently there are over 15,000 desalination plants and 120 more desalination projects are in progress or being planned.

Process of desalination at the Tampa Bay Desalination Plant

Wars over Water?
In Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization, journalist Steven Solomon argues that water is surpassing oil as the world's scarcest critical resource.
In his book he writes, "Consider what will happen in water-distressed, nuclear-armed, terrorist-besieged, overpopulated, heavily irrigation dependent and already politically unstable Pakistan when its single water lifeline, the Indus river, loses a third of its flow from the disappearance from its glacial water source."
Do you believe a war over water could happen?

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